Installing the LabVIEW Demonstration
Note: Your computer must have at least a 80386 CPU, a floating-point coprocessor, and 8 megabytes of RAM. We recommend you use an 80486 computer (with math coprocessor built in) and 8 MB of RAM for best performance. The demonstration program requires 8 MB of hard disk space and runs under Windows 3.1 enhanced mode or Windows NT.
1. Insert Demonstration Program Disk 1 into your disk drive.
2. Select Run... from the File menu of the Windows Program Manager and enter the following in the dialog box that appears.
X: \ SETUP (where X is the floppy drive designation)
3. Follow the instructions on the screen. Read the following sections of this introduction as you wait for the installation to complete.
Demonstration VIs in This Package
You do not need any hardware to build and run the examples in this tutorial, because special demonstration VIs from the Tutorial palette of the Functions menu generate simulated data for your VIs.
Note: The screens illustrated in this manual represent LabVIEW in one-bit, black and white mode. Depending on the color configuration of your system, LabVIEW may look slightly different. Keep this in mind as you work through the examples in this guide.
This demonstration version is based on the full development version of LabVIEW. However, in this demonstration, you can save the VIs you create only temporarily. Once you quit the LabVIEW demonstration version, the VIs saved during that session are lost.