Instrument Control

The Lab VIEW GPIB VIs communicate with IEEE 488 instruments using National Instruments GPIB products, which are capable of transferring data at up to 1.5 MB/s. These products are completely IEEE 488.2 compatible.
The Lab VIEW VXI VIs communicate with VXI instruments using all three methods of controlling VXI systems-embedded computer control, external computer control through GPIB, and external computer control through the high-speed MXIbus
Lab VIEW currently has more than 450 ready-to-use instrument driver VIs for controlling the most popular GPIB, VXI, and RS-232 instruments from more than 45 different manufacturers. These driver VIs, available at no charge, are ideal for controlling remote and modular instruments. They contain intuitive front panel interfaces, eliminate low-level programming, and provide high-level VIs you can use in integrated test systems. Because the VIs come with their block diagrams, you can examine and modify these drivers or use them as models to create new ones for other instruments. The following sections list a few examples of the instruments for which VIs are available. Partial List of GPIB Instrument Driver VIs:

Vendor Model

Advantest R5373P
EIP Microwave 575B
Fluke 45
Fluke 6060
Fluke 8840A
Giga-tronics 8541
Hewlett-Packard 34401A
Hewlett-Packard 3497A
Hewlett-Packard 3561A
Hewlett-Packard 3852A
Hewlett-Packard 4145B
Hewlett-Packard 4192
Hewlett-Packard 437B
Hewlett-Packard 54510A
Hewlett-Packard 5460A Series
Hewlett-Packard 54720A
Hewlett-Packard 6030A
Hewlett-Packard 8340
Hewlett-Packard 8510
Hewlett-Packard 8566B
Hewlett-Packard 8643
Hewlett-Packard 8647
Hewlett-Packard 8720
Hewlett-Packard 8753
Keithley 196
Keithley 236
Keithley 237
Philips PM 3394
Philips PM 6666
Racal-Dana 1994
Schlumberger 1253
Stanford Research 530
Tektronix 370A
Tektronix DSA 600
Tektronix RTD 720
Tektronix SCD 5000
Tektronix TDS 400
Tektronix TDS 500
Tektronix TDS 600
Wavetek 295
Wavetek 395
Wiltron 6700B Series


Microwave Counter/Timer
Digital Multimeter
RF Signal Generator
Digital Multimeter
Digital Power Meter
Digital Multimeter
Data Acquisition Unit
Dynamic Signal Analyzer
Data Acquisition System
Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer
LCR Meter
Power Meter
Digitizing Oscilloscope
Digitizing Oscilloscope
Digitizing Oscilloscope
Power Supply
Microwave Sweeper
Vector Network Analyzer
Spectrum Analyzer
RF Signal Generator
RF Signal Generator
Vector Network Analyzer
Vector Network Analyzer
Digital Multimeter
Source Measure Unit
High Voltage Source Measure Unit
Digitizing Oscilloscope
Digitizing Oscilloscope
Digital Oscilloscope
Digitizing Oscilloscope
Frequency Counter
Universal Counter
Gain-Phase Analyzer
Lock-In Amplifier
Curve Tracer
Digitizing Analyzer
Digitizing Oscilloscope
Digitizing Oscilloscope
Digitizing Oscilloscope
Arbitrary Waveform Generator
Arbitrary Function Generator
Swept Frequency Synthesizer

Partial List of VXIbus Instrument Driver VIs:

Vendor Model

AD Data Systems 230122
Cal-Av 9100
Datron Wavetek 1362
Giga-tronics 58542
Hewlett-Packard E1328A
Hewlett-Packard E1410A
Hewlett-Packard El411
Hewlett-Packard E1416A
Hewlett-Packard E1420A/B
Hewlett-Packard E1426A
Hewlett-Packard E1428A
Hewlett-Packard E1429A/B
Hewlett-Packard E1440A

Hewlett-Packard E1445A
Hewlett-Packard E1465A
Hewlett-Packard E1472A
Interface Technology DG600VXI
Interface Technology IO100VXI
Racal-Dana 1200 Series
Racal-Dana 1277 Series
Racal-Dana 2251
Racal-Dana 2351
Schlumberger SI 1270
Talon BE-64
Tektronix 73A-256
Tektronix 73A-270
Tektronix 73A-411
Tektronix VX4236
Tektronix VX4240
Tektronix VX4801
Tektronix/CDS 73A-453

Wavetek 1362S
Wavetek 1375
Wavetek 1395


96-Channel Switch
Trigger Delay
Digital Multimeter
Peak and CW Power Meter
4-Ch D/A Converter
6.5-Digit Multimeter
5.5-Digit Multimeter
Power Meter
Universal Counter
500 MHz Digitizing Oscilloscope
1 GSa/s Digitizing Oscilloscope
20 MSa/s 2-Ch Digitizer
21 MHz Synthesized Function Sweep
Arbitrary Function Generator
16x16 Crosspoint Relay Module
50 Ohm RF Mux
Digital Word Generator
Digital I/O Module
Switching Modules
Switching Modules
Universal Counter/Timer
Time Interval Analyzer
Frequency Response Analyzer
Bus Emulator/Word Generator
12 Channel DAC
Pulse Pattern Generator
Digital I/O Module
Digital Multimeter
Waveform Digitizer/Analyzer
40-Line Isolated Digital I/O
1-Channel MIL-STD-1553A/B Bus
Digital Multimeter
20 MHz Arbitrary Function Generator
50 MHz Arbitrary Function Generator

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