Data Analysis

The Lab VIEW analysis VIs offer a powerful and comprehensive set of analysis routines for processing acquired data. These VIs give you complete flexibility to develop applications in areas ranging from statistical process control to digital signal processing (DSP). The, following sections list the analysis functions you can perform with these VIs. For additional information, choose the Investigate the Lab VIEW Analysis Libraries option when you launch the Lab VIEW Demo program.


 Linear and polynomial evaluations; ID and 2D scaling functions.

Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filters

 Parks-McClellan, windowed, equi-ripple, and narrowband filters for lowpass, highpass, bandpass, and bandstop; filter design utility.

Frequency Domain

Fast Fourier transform (FFT), fast Hartley transform (FHT), fast Hilbert transform, Gabor transform and spectrogram, power and cross spectrum, auto and cross correlation, convolution and deconvolution, and phase unwrapping.

Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) Filters

 Butterworth, Chebyshev I and II, elliptic, and Bessel filters for lowpass, highpass, bandpass, and bandstop.

Linear Algebra

Dot and outer products; vector and matrix normalization; multiplication; inversion; determinant; trace; and solution of linear equations.


Single-sided spectrums, transfer function, impulse response, coherence function, harmonic analysis, AC and DC estimation.

Nonlinear Filter

Median filter.


 Linear, exponential, polynomial, general least squares, and Levenberg-Marquardt nonlinear curve fits.

Signal Generation

Impulse, pulse, ramp, triangle, sawtooth, sine, sine, square, arbitrary, chirp, Gaussian-distributed, uniform white noise; periodic random noise.


Histogram; mean; standard deviation; variance; RMS; median; mode; moment about the mean; normal, T, F, and Chi distributions; error and complementary error functions; rational, polynomial, and spline interpolations; ID, 2D, and 3D ANOVAs.

Time Domain

Integration and differentiation, decimation, clipping, shifting, threshold detection, and pulse analysis.


 Hanning, Hamming, triangle (Bartlett), Blackman, Exact Blackman, Blackman-Harris, Kaiser-Bessel, flat top, general cosine, force, and exponential windows.

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